October 2017 introductory special offer, 50% off logo design (or redesign) throughout the Snowy Mountain/Valley region, NSW!
$325 for small businesses with 1 to 3 employees.
$480 for medium-sized businesses with 4 to 6 employees.
$640 for larger businesses with 7-15 employees.
$720 for corporations with 16+ employees.
This includes the following suburbs:
Adaminaby, Ando, Anglers Reach, Berridale, Bibbenluke, Blue Cow, Bombala, Bredbo, Bungarby, Cathcart, Cooma, Countegany, Craige, Creewah, Dalgety, Delegate, Guthega, Jerangle, Jindabyne, Kiandra, Michelago, Mila, Nimmitabel, Numeralla, Peak View, Perisher, Rock Flat, Rockton, Shannons Flat, Smiggin Holes, Thredbo, Yaouk.
I thought I’d share this video I put together duing the middle part of the course in 2015 – I made this video for the subject called “Art Direction”, one of the harder ones. Basically, as part of a rebranding project, I had to design a new logo for Aeroflot. There were a whole bunch of other documents I had to produce along with the logo: Client contract, production schedule, budget estimate, branding guideline manual, advertising campaign, storyboard advert and finally a presentation.
The week before I started this subject, I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD).Read more →